Friday, December 18, 2015

How to Lose Weight Even While Enjoying all your Food in the Restaurant!

You are probably bored with your home cooked meals, and would like to visit a restaurant for a change. On the other hand, your doctor has advised you not to eat restaurant foods as it can result in weight gain. You simply don't know which way to go, right? In this article I will tell you how to enjoy restaurant foods while at the same time making sure that you don't get any fatter!
Here is a rule of thumb for you: if a certain food tastes too good, it means it has been richly fried, and as such, not good for your health. Surprisingly enough, the raw vegetables and fruits, which usually taste awful, are the best foods for quick weight loss!
  • Visit vegetarian restaurants: In order to be on the safe side, visit restaurants which offer only vegetarian meals. This is not to say that non-veg meals are bad. With non-veg restaurants, you have to take extra care to make sure that you are not eating high-calorie or high-fat foods.
  • As an example, ordinary chicken meat which is served in most restaurants is usually laden with huge amounts of fat which is bad for you! Lean chicken meat, on the other hand, is good for you, but not all restaurants offer lean chicken meat as part of their menus. With vegetarian restaurants, you will be more often than not on the safe side!
  •  Let the salad dressing go: You have heard it a zillion times that salads are good for quick weight loss. The reason behind this is that salads are nothing but raw vegetables in chopped form. Raw vegetables, as you might be aware, help you burn fat by boosting your metabolic rate. However, the salad dressing that is provided in most restaurants is rich in calorie. So whenever you ask for salads, make sure to instruct them to remove the salad dressing from the top!
  • Stay away from buffets: A lot of the foods you see at buffets are rich in calorie content. These foods are cooked in bulk with a large amount of oil, thereby making them unsuitable for those who are looking forward to shedding some pounds. If you really want to eat from buffets, make sure you steer clear of these fatty foods and choose the salads and other healthier alternatives instead! That way, you won't accumulate an excessive amount of fat in your body!
  • Control your portions: Check the amount of food you are going to eat before you take that bite! If you think that the food provided to you exceed the portion control limit you are allowed, eat according to your portion limit and then carry the leftovers back home to be eaten on the next day. Ask for a box from the restaurant to help you carry the leftovers.
As long as you use your discretion, there is nothing wrong with eating at a restaurant once in while.
So go ahead and appease your taste buds!


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Monday, December 7, 2015

Your weight loss Efforts

The following health tips may help your weight loss pursuit:

  1.  Do not diet but eat differently and exercise.
  2.  Do not skip breakfast as it does not save calories but eating a healthy breakfast stops you from overloading on calories later in the day.
  3. Add at least one serving of fruit to your breakfast and lunch, and one serving of vegetables to your lunch and dinner.
  4. Stick to your food plan. Be disciplined.
  5. Take an active role in the way your meal is prepared. Mind the quantity and the quality in terms of your body requirements.
  6. Weigh yourself at least once a week but don’t step on the scale too often. 
  7. Endeavour to cook your food. Cooking at home is the only way to control the ingredients in your meals. You never know crave inducing composition that is served out there.
  8. Banish temptation. Do not keep food that will tempt you in your fridge.
  9. Do not eat your meal while relaxing in front of the TV. People tend to consume more in that relaxation mood.
  10. Have a realistic goal to reduce your weight. The weight did not get to that level one day but gradually. In the same manner, your weight reduction should follow suit. 
I hope this helps. Be determined not to starve. It is well. 

Friday, December 4, 2015

Benefits of losing weight

Obesity is simply described as a condition of being overweight. In technical terms, it is defined as a condition where a person has accumulated so much body fat that it might have a negative effect on their health. If a person's body weight is at least 20% higher than it should be, he or she is considered obese. If your Body Mass Index (BMI) is between 25 and 29.9 you are considered overweight.

At the extreme, this is evident in the massiveness of the individual and excess flesh all around the body presenting a picture of a shapeless individual. This comes with various health problems which may include serious heart conditions, hypertension, stroke, type 2 diabetes, some types of cancer, osteoarthritis, back pain etc.  The danger to health and quality of life is better imagined. 

No statement can be truer than this statement from, “"If you don’t have your health it’s very hard to have anything else, or appreciate anything else so to speak. If you’re ill it doesn’t really matter how much money you’ve got because you won’t appreciate it because you’re ill".   So being healthy should be everyone’s concern.

Other benefits include:

Absence of aches and pains in your body. A state of wellness.

Having good sleep and waking up and feeling good and in high spirits ready for the day’s activities. I mean ready to hit the road and be on the move.  Another benefit of good body weight is availability of energy to carry out one’s assignment quickly and confidently.

With good body weight, breathing is done effortlessly and no struggle for life. Also, embarrassing snoring at night is none existent. People do not have to avoid sleeping by your side and neighbors need not know that you are sleeping.

Also, your movement is not impaired. So you can go wherever you want and whatever pace you choose and do physical exercises and outdoor games of your choice. In one word, you are ‘fit.’

Very important too, your body can fight diseases and sicknesses easily because your body’s improved immune system as a result of your being active physically,

Becauseof your athletic shape, you have confidence in yourself and attract more friends to yourself.  You gain acceptability in your circle. Why?  You are more handsome or beautiful as your dresses are more fitting and better appreciated.