Sunday, February 5, 2012

Your Low Back Health Issue

A lot of people suffer from waist pain otherwise known as low back pain. And its been discovered that this is common with people with sedentary jobs; that is jobs that involve sitting for long. This is common with office workers who sit in front of the computer typing or clicking.

You need not wriggle in pain while trying to stand on your seat and make painful adjustments while trying to make yourself comfortable on your seat. You only need to identify the culprit and choose wisely. Most often, the culprit is the chair that is accomodating your bulk. Hence the need to make a wise choice in selecting which kind of chair you should purchase that will not hamper your health.

The question is "Which chair is favoured to give me comfort?"  Your chair should afford you the needed freedom to move within your office environment, I mean, the swivel type.  Also it should accomodate the back curvature such that the curve at your back fits into the shape of the chair.  The seat height must be adjustable, and the back rest must be adjustable in height and tilt. Ideally, the back rest should move independently of the seat to allow for a more comfortable position.

Your sitting position too is essential to your comfort and health.  Sitting badly in front of a computer for hours on end is courting trouble. You do not need to give yourself unnecessary back pain.  The body can tolerate being in one position for only a short period of time before you feel the need to adjust.  In effect, you need to:
  • Support your back.  Once you are lower back is adequately supported, the strain on that part of your body is reduced.
  • Adjust your chair:  Adjust your chair height so that you can use the keyboard with your wrists and forearms straight and level with the floor.
  • Rest your feet on floor.  Do not cross your legs to avoid blood flow being hampered.
  • Place your screen at eye level:  Your screen should be directly in your front.  You don't have to bend down to or look up before you can work on your computer.
  • Keep your mouse close:  This is to prevent straining your body in any way.
The above points are in now way exhaustive.  They are just a tip of the iceberg among the various things you need to do to enjoy your work in front of the computer and also keep a healthy life at work.

Do you want to get more information on how to get out of that excruciating back pain?  Then check here.

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