Monday, December 7, 2015

Your weight loss Efforts

The following health tips may help your weight loss pursuit:

  1.  Do not diet but eat differently and exercise.
  2.  Do not skip breakfast as it does not save calories but eating a healthy breakfast stops you from overloading on calories later in the day.
  3. Add at least one serving of fruit to your breakfast and lunch, and one serving of vegetables to your lunch and dinner.
  4. Stick to your food plan. Be disciplined.
  5. Take an active role in the way your meal is prepared. Mind the quantity and the quality in terms of your body requirements.
  6. Weigh yourself at least once a week but don’t step on the scale too often. 
  7. Endeavour to cook your food. Cooking at home is the only way to control the ingredients in your meals. You never know crave inducing composition that is served out there.
  8. Banish temptation. Do not keep food that will tempt you in your fridge.
  9. Do not eat your meal while relaxing in front of the TV. People tend to consume more in that relaxation mood.
  10. Have a realistic goal to reduce your weight. The weight did not get to that level one day but gradually. In the same manner, your weight reduction should follow suit. 
I hope this helps. Be determined not to starve. It is well. 

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